Workforce Education and Training (WET) is a component of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA). The authors of MHSA realized that people – a quality workforce – were necessary for the true transformation of the public behavioral health service system.
The WET component was established to address the ongoing workforce development needs for public behavioral health departments. This includes a specific focus on the recruitment, training and retention of a qualified workforce that is culturally competent and recovery-oriented, that incorporates those with lived-experience, and includes those with language and cultural capacities that help meet the needs of the communities we serve. To achieve these goals, WET established five (5) individual work plans.
This work plan is designed to establish the basic structure and staffing of the WET team for this agency. Having a dedicated education and training team is necessary to manage and implement Riverside County’s state WET plan.
This work plan is designed to provide training and technical assistance to meet the unique needs of Riverside County’s public behavioral health workforce. Advanced and continuous training ensures that our behavioral health workforce is prepared to serve the consumers of today and the consumers of the future. Our training efforts focus on advanced treatment and care, recovery-orientated skill development, cultural humility and diversity,leadership development, resource management, and crisis intervention.
Community Training
In addition to supporting our department’s workforce, we are committed to building the knowledge and competency of the behavioral health workforce in the community. To learn more about trainings available to contract providers and community members, review the training brochures in the “quick links” section to the right. Click the button below to submit a request for registration. To be placed on a notification list for upcoming trainings, please contact our training coordinator, Dorothy Cockrell, at

WET also coordinates and conducts behavioral health and recovery oriented trainings for our local school districts, partner agencies, related county departments, and community organizations to improve knowledge of behavioral health, enhance customer service to people who carry a diagnosis, improve access to resources, and reduce related stigma. If you are interested in requesting a custom training for your group or organization, please contact our training coordinator, Dorothy Cockrell, at
This work plan is designed to provide community members with the information and supports necessary to identify educational or professional career pathways into the public behavioral health service system. Our work in this area creates accessible career pipelines aimed at expanding and diversifying our workforce in ways that better meet our communities’ needs. This includes promoting careers in behavioral health, training and incorporating people with lived experience into our workforce, offering robust volunteer opportunities, and supporting current staff in their professional advancement. To learn more about volunteering with our agency, visit
This work plan is designed to create opportunities for new professionals in our communities to learn and train with local their public behavioral health agency. Well-structured and organized residency and internship programs also serve as effective recruitment and retention strategies. These programs are structured learning experiences that allow participants to provide service to our consumers and community while also meeting academic or professional development goals. To learn more about our residency and internship programs, visit or contact our internship coordinator, Sheri Park, at
This work plan is designed to offer financial and academic incentives to support workforce development efforts. Offering financial and academic incentives for workforce development improves the long term retention of quality employees and fosters a qualified workforce that is committed and prepared to serve in public behavioral health. WET approaches financial and academic incentives strategically; we focus on filling unmet workforce needs specific for our agency as well as maximizing workforce development funding investment. Efforts include offering tuition reimbursement and educational discount opportunities, degree advancement programs, and support for state and federal loan repayment program applications. To learn more about these incentives and supports, visit and or contact our staff development officer, Sheri Park, at

We welcome your feedback or comments anytime. Click here to share: WET Feedback Survey. To connect with us in person, or for more information on any WET coordinated or sponsored programs, please contact using the information below:
Workforce Education and Training
2085 Rustin Avenue
Riverside, CA 92507
(951) 955-7116
Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. & Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.